Plane Travelling

Long Landed (Plane), 2019, Watercolor and Ink Painting, Stephanie Kilgast
Long Landed (Plane), 2019, Watercolor and Ink Painting, Stephanie Kilgast

Did you know that a flight from Paris to New-York emits 3 tons of CO2, however in order to stop climate change, each of us is ideally allowed to use 1 ton of CO2 per year.
Plane travelling has become normal in today’s society, so I wanted to point out the issue with travelling too much with that particular transportation.

Like meat, reducing your plane travels consumption is a good thing to do. Though, unlike meat, it can be a lot more difficult if you travel for work or if your family lives on the other side of the world. Or if you simply love to travel!
You can always cheat and do the band-aid option: fly carbone neutral through initiatives like @mindfulflights where you give money on projects that balance your excesses.
But taking the plane a lot less or not at all is certainly more efficient :D
This post is sponsored, as "mindfulflights" pay my carbon offset if/when I fly.
HOWEVER I think it's a great initiative and I've been wanting to talk about plane traveling for a while now. 
They are a bunch of students who make it easy for us to just offset the money towards projects that are certified by the UN.

You can buy the original painting while it's there on my website or get a print on redbubble or society6.





Drinking Cans